
For general club correspondence, please contact interim secretary Bridget White via the details below, or send us a message via social media – which is a good way of keeping up to date with news, as well as being a means of contact.
The club currently runs accounts on Facebook and Instagram and questions around joining our teams should be made via both platforms in the first instance.
For issues around safeguarding, please contact the club’s safeguarding officer, Paul Newbitt, on 07738 499479. All concerns will be handled discreetly, and in the strictest confidence.

Contact details

07798 831206


Scotter Village Hall, Scotton Road, DN21 3SA, Scotter

Club Officials

Chair: Bridget White
Vice-chair: Liam Wilson
Interim Secretary: Bridget White
Treasurer: Jo Sowerby
Safeguarding officer: Paul Newbit
Media officer: Chris Sumpter
Fundraising officer: Position Vacant


Scotter Junior Football Club is lucky to have the support of numerous local businesses, all of whom can be found at the bottom of the page – where links to their respective websites are also available.
Running an FA Charter Standard grassroots football club, however, remains an ever-expensive process, and we welcome new sponsors, able to make contributions however large or small.
In return for support, we have the opportunity to promote companies via our website and social media pages and have numerous opportunities available.

Please contact Media Officer Chris Sumpter on 07771 855270 if your business would like to get involved.

    Get in touch

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